An energy vortex can exist anywhere in the world; some are more powerful than others. Sedona is one of the few places on Earth that vibrates if you are still enough to listen. Like the great pyramids of Egypt, Stonehenge, the ancient Mayan ruins of Tulum, and Machu Picchu, they have ancient power.
These sacred sites have long been recognized as portals for connecting to the universe.
Other Vortex in the World
I wasn’t looking for a vortex when I planned my trip to Sedona, but it may have been pulling me. After I started researching, I found I had been to a few known vortex sites around the world. I had visited them previously without even realizing it. This is the way for many of us. The universe pulls us where we need to be.

I’ve been to Stonehenge and the ruins of Tulum. If you are quiet, you will hear a humming not unlike one you would hear from a power line. It is subtle and hard to place or pinpoint but constant and calling. The birds and animals are more watchful, and the land listens.
Everyone has an energy about them. Even the most skeptical can feel the positive or negative vibrations that individual humans or animals make us feel.
1 Vortex Energy can Disrupt a Pattern
An energy vortex or place of power can change you. It will disrupt your energy. It will renew or recharge your vitality. Sometimes, we just need different energy to shake out of a pattern. Other people can do this with the energy they carry, and places can do it, too.
A common belief about why vortexes have so much energy is that they exist at ley lines. These lines make up the Earth’s electromagnetic field and create paths of energy in our universe. This happens when there is an alignment between historic structures and landmarks.

2 Add Power to Your Intentions
If we approach a vortex positively, it can be a powerful experience. Energy swirls within us and around us. The energy of the vortex comes from the land itself. It also comes from the collection of energy people have put in the place. This energy can amplify our own.
Sedona’s unique landscape was formed by tectonic shifts that transformed old seabed over time. The area’s softer layers were gradually eroded by temperature changes, wind, and water, revealing the stunning red sandstone underneath. This process created the mesmerizing mesas, buttes, and spires that are characteristic of Sedona’s landscape.
Being Skeptical
Some people say a vortex is a bunch of mystic psychobabble. When I decided to go, I was on the fence. But if I am anything, I am a seeker. The simple answers and common explanations cynics toss about for the mysterious have always left a dull emptiness inside of me.
If we believe that life is nothing more than what we can see and what we know today, then what a sad existence we have. Throughout time, we’ve discovered many worlds—that of microbes, for example—which have opened our eyes and changed our perceptions. So, at a minimum, I choose to be open-minded to things I cannot see or understand.
Going into the desert to find the vortex
I drove through the Sonoran Desert into Sedona, past the massive Saguaro cactus that lined the roadway for miles. These otherworldly creatures were the first sign that things in this desert were not entirely like other places. The multi-armed Saguaro, towering some forty feet high, only grows in certain parts of the American Southwest. They stood like silent sentinels as I made my way toward the vortex’s pull.
3 A Vortex Can Change Your Energy Vibration
GPS was redundant. I knew I was nearing Sedona when I saw the glowing, massive red-orange rock outcropping in the distance. Here, if you’re paying attention, you begin the feel the vibration change. The energy shifts from the high frequency of Phoenix into a low hum approaching Sedona.
Every living thing has a vibration. What is yours, and how do you alter it?
I turned onto the main highway into the city. The Earth became redder as the rocks began to rise higher around me. There were towering buttes, crimson cliffs, and natural desert gardens. The entire city sits between these massive rock formations on all sides.

Like I always do, when I come upon an unusual place, I wonder about the first people who lived there. In Sedona, there are many spiritual people. Those who believe in the power within stones, oils, astrology, auras, tarot, and other new age mysticism. Before them, though, were Native Americans: Hohokam, Anasazi, and Cochise.
The Anasazi people lived in the cliffs and hills surrounding Sedona. Their name means “those who lived before” or “ancient ones.” They have left many artifacts. What they believed, where they disappeared, or why, is a mystery for the ages.
All of Sedona is considered a vortex. However, a few prominent areas claim to have the strongest energy. There are: Airport Mesa, Bell Rock, Cathedral Rock, and Boynton Canyon.
Each vortex is said to radiate a unique type of energy. I chose to spend the most time at Boynton Canyon. Aside from being one of the most scenic box canyons, it is also known for giving visitors a renewed sense of purpose. It motivates them to pursue their dreams.
I’ve drifted a little in recent years, rocked by life’s storms. I am blessed in many ways, but my time here is limited. I want to be more intentional about the energy I put into the world.
So, I hiked into Boynton Canyon.
The first half of the hike trails an open, bushy valley beneath layered red buttes and cliffs. As you continue along the trail, it changes to a more enclosed stretch of pine woodland and sandy terrain.
4 Spiritual Awakening
I was alone on my hike and met few others along the trail in the early morning hours. Through the walk, the leaves rustled along the dry creek bed. The wind whispered. From the shadows of the cliffs, I felt the watchful, ancient spirits around me. I imagined them once hunting along the creek I now walked.
This place, near the vortex, seemed to have more spiritual energy than other places. This is why there are so many mystic people in Sedona. It feels easier to make connections near the vortex.
Perhaps, I thought, as I walked, mindful of the presence surrounding me, I was dramatizing my hike. But then, in a clearing, I stopped in awe before the Kachina Woman rock formation.

Hopi Legend
Kachina is revered as a divine protector and overseer, like the Virgin Mary in Christianity or Hera in Greek mythology. She controls the world and society and is a messenger of the spirit world.
There, I could see her, not as a rock, but as a woman, a grandmother. To her, I spoke my dreams and fears as I once did as a child in my own grandmother’s lap. I did not doubt that she heard me and, what’s more, listened.
As I continued along the trail, my conversation with Kachina Woman replayed in my mind. I crossed over switchbacks and climbed higher into her vortex. The hum grew louder.
We are Pulled by the Sedona Vortex
At Stonehenge, I walked around the stone circle several times, taking in all the shadows, watching the birds watch me, and absorbing the hum. I also walked the long road through the barrows, and there, too, I felt the mystery of its ancient people.
In the jungle of Tulum, the vortex led me to an old Shaman. He gave me the right lesson at the right time. Ever since magic has manifested in my life, my path has become clearer.
5 A Vortex Can be a Consciousness Accelerator
I climbed vertically to the top of Boynton Canyon. I realized that these vortexes were, for me, like consciousness accelerators. Some say that vortexes bring them feelings of peace, harmony, balance, and tranquility. I receive insight, a greater sense of purpose, and spiritual rejuvenation. They send my energy positively spiraling and alter my frequency. I am not surprised to learn that my list of places yet to visit contains many other vortex sites.
At the top of Boynton Canyon, on a cliff 1,200 feet high among the Coconino sandstone, I sat on the warm, red rock. I stared back at Kachina Woman in the distance. As I wiped the sweat from my brow, I felt her say, “Perhaps I can clear some pathways for you.”
“No object is mysterious. The mystery is your eye.”
— Elizabeth Bowen
I don’t know if energy naturally imbues these rocks or places. Perhaps it is the consecrated energy of millions of people over time who have unconsciously created it through our collective reverence.
For me, there’s no joy in a life of believing that nothing is magic and everything can be explained by the mundane. I think an energy vortex is a beautiful idea, and I do love beautiful ideas.
I may not know why the vortex’s power exists, but I know that it does. And it’s working in my life. After I left Sedona, my longtime dream to earn money through writing became a reality. It was as if a pathway had been cleared, and that was a breakthrough.
Undeniable Result of Vortex Energy
You could say it’s not the vortex but what it makes us believe about ourselves. But even so, that power is real; the energy is real. It makes me think bigger, open wider, and imagine things previously unimaginable.
What I do and what I leave behind in this world is up to me, and nothing else.
The fact that I’ve shared this story, you’re reading it, and maybe you’re thinking about your energy now, too, is all the proof I need to know the vortex’s energy is working.
Everything is a spark for something else.
Even as I write these words, there is a humming reminding me of the words I spoke in that canyon. I’m being pulled in new directions, expanding my horizons, and creating an energy more powerful than it was before.
Once you feel it, you are unstoppable.
Read other stories about Energy here.
Read more stories about Arizona here.
November 4, 2024What a fascinating read! The concept of energy vortices, especially as you describe their potential for personal transformation, is both captivating and thought-provoking. I appreciate how you highlighted locations known for these vortices and the ways they can impact individuals on an emotional and even spiritual level. Living in Tucson, I’ve often heard about the energy vortex in Sedona and the strong pull it has on visitors seeking clarity and peace. I’d love to hear more about practical ways one can prepare mentally and emotionally before visiting a vortex site. For instance, are there specific practices or mindset shifts you recommend for those who may be new to this experience?
Rene Cizio
November 6, 2024Thanks. These are places of unique energy, so going with a clear mind and heart. Have a specific intention and meditate on that intention before you go. If you can, go alone so the energy of others doesn’t cloud what you might naturally feel. I was just talking to someone about this who said the group she was with didn’t feel anything at one of the sites, but later when they weren’t looking or expected anything they did feel the energy – then learned it was another vortex site. Sometimes the energy or people we bring with us can overpower or cloud what is there. I love going alone for the purest experience. Enjoy!
Tina davidson
April 1, 2023I loved reading this. I smiled during the entire last paragraphs, and am still feeling the smile. Thank you.