As a solo female traveler, other women often ask if it’s safe, isn’t it dangerous, or aren’t I afraid? Should I really be traveling alone?
Yes, no, no, YES!
I won’t kid you. Traveling alone comes with a series of obstacles and considerations. I’ve been on many solo trips to several places in Europe, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Canada and have traveled alone for nearly two years. So I know a few things about solo female travel safety.
Here are a few solo female travel tips I use to stay safe.
1. The right attitude can keep you safe
It helps if you’re a badass or can at least act like one. Let’s be frank; most “badasses” are just acting, so fear not. You can do this. It’s time to channel your inner Daenerys Targaryen.
But it’s more than acting tough, cool, or aloof; it’s being conscious of your behavior in public spaces when people are watching you. Crooks and bad guys are looking for targets that will be easy to take advantage of – so never let them see you sweat or look confused if you can help it.

I grew up with half a dozen males, so I know how to protect myself. I also played roller derby in Detroit for a few years, so I know to give and receive blows, and when traveling solo, I try to carry that attitude. “Do not make me hip-check you,” I think as I walk past shifty-looking people.
More than ability or strength, what these experiences have given me is confidence. Confidence can be your most powerful tool as you embark on solo female travel.
2. Transition spaces breed chaos
Before I go into a public space when catching public transportation (buses, trains, cars, trolleys, etc.) moving through densely populated spaces, walking, or standing in lines, I prepare via maps and information gathering. I try to be as prepared as possible so I never get lost or confused. Of course, I’m frequently lost and confused, but I try not to look it.

So many travelers ignore the people around them. They are distracted by their surroundings, phones and companions. Distracted travelers make easy targets, especially in crowded places when it’s easy to bump into people or grab a bag off a chair or phone off a counter in two seconds flat.
When I’m in public, I keep an alert, serious look on my face and avoid contact or conversation with random people who approach me. I try to be discreet in all I do, watch the people around me and try not to look lost, scared, or unsure ever. I’m frequently all those things.
That’s not to say that I don’t smile or enjoy myself – absolutely I do! But at the same time, I want to project that I’m not flaky or gullible, or overly approachable. If you’re a single gal looking to mingle, you may have to adapt your strategy but use double the ordinary sense.

3. Your cell phone is not always your friend
I never walk around staring at my phone. I keep my phone in a secure interior pocket until I need it, and then I observe my surroundings and choose a spot to pull my phone out. I’m always taking photos and videos, but I’m conscious of my surroundings and guard my phone like gold. When you’re alone in another country, it is!

As sad as it is, you need to be twice as aware on solo female travel trips. I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve heard about people getting their bags snatched while looking at their phones. Wait until you get back to your room to check your messages and apps or post photos.
Caveat: When I get into the car, I often pretend I’m talking to someone and tell them details about the vehicle I’m getting into and where I’m going so the driver can hear. I want him to know I’m not alone and unaccounted for!
4. Blend into the environment
When traveling solo in public places, I try to blend in and appear uninteresting. I’ll even avoid speaking in some situations in other countries for as long as I can get away with it so I don’t give away that I’m American. Blending techniques:
- My travel clothes are basic and never flashy
- No jewelry
- Don’t use a selfie stick or carry a camera around your neck
- Say no to traditional hip sacks instead use one that goes with your ensemble if you must
- In Europe, ditch white tennis shoes (this is standard American tourist garb)
- Don’t buy more than will fit in your backpack, so you’re never carrying shopping bags around
5. Do not engage with people in the streets
It may seem rude, but I never engage with people in the streets. When traveling in tourist areas, people will try to sell things and ask innocent-seeming questions. I shake my head no and keep walking.

If someone is trying to stop you in the street in a tourist area there’s a 99% likelihood that they’re trying to 1: sell you something, 2: ask you to give them money, or 3: steal from you.
Pickpockets operate by distracting and bumping into you, so I try to avoid letting them. I also keep all my valuables on my person in zippered pockets close to the front of my body. Don’t put your cell phone or anything in your back pocket if you want to keep it.
6. Cash is king, so guard it
In small countries, cash is still necessary, so I keep small amounts in different pockets, so I’m never seen pulling out a wad of bills. In fact, I try to avoid cash as much as possible and use credit, preferably Apple Pay or another wallet app, so I don’t even have to pull my card out.
7. Watch your stuff
I can’t tell you how many people I see walking around with cell phones in a small back pocket or left on the bar or table next to them. I’ve seen purses sitting on the table and backpacks left open and unattended on the beach. My cousin once got stranded in Mexico because he did this.

I always travel with a backpack, and when I’m sitting down, I ensure that it’s zipped and my arm or leg is always looped around its strap. It’s never left unattended.
I don’t carry shopping bags, but if I did, I’d secure them under my table, legs or looped around my arm in public. Snatch and grabs are a favorite pastime for thieves in densely populated shopping districts.
Why would you steal from someone alert and paying attention when there are so many easier victims? You wouldn’t! That’s probably why I’ve never had any issues.
8. You’re pilot and co-pilot when you solo female travel
When I travel solo, I’m the only person to figure out logistics and directions. Avoiding being lost is an important component of staying safe, so this is an important job.
I am meticulous about planning locations, times, transportation options, and the cost of everything I plan to do when I travel before leaving home. Some things I do are:
- Write agendas with the times and days in which I will do certain things and double-check opening hours and days.
- Map out directions and transportation options in advance to ensure I have enough time to get from place to place.
- Spend time the night before double-checking tickets and directions and ensuring I have all I need before leaving the hotel.
With only myself to depend on and the likelihood that people may not speak the same language, I try to be ready for anything.
I always have paper redundancies and copies of my documents in the cloud.
9. Internet redundancies
The internet in other countries and remote locations can be flaky at best, so I never depend on my phone – I only hope it will work and it’s a happy bonus when it does. I’ve used Verizon TravelPass and Skyroam wifi for international travel. I also have an unlocked cellphone, and this allows me to buy a sim card for the country I’m traveling in.
When I have a cellphone connection, I screenshot important information (directions, especially) if I can’t get service again when I need it.

10. You can still have fun, but keep your head
I have half a dozen stories from friends who got drunk and had their items stolen because they stopped paying attention. When you solo female travel you must practice the most caution when drinking.
While I have sided up to many bars in my travels – it’s where I’ve met some of the best people – but I never drink until I’m drunk. I keep a glass of water with my beer to keep “drinking” while I socialize.
I’m cautious about never taking drinks from anyone except the bartender when I can see him prepare and deliver them. This should go without saying, but I never leave my drink unattended. Not even with the “friends” I just made.
11. Better safe than sorry with documents
I keep two paper copies of my passport, credit cards, emergency contact numbers (including U.S. Embassy), hotel information, etc., on my person and in my hotel, van, or Airbnb in case of theft or loss.
I also keep my cash and credit cards in multiple different places. On my body, in my bag, and at my hotel. That way, if anything is lost, I still have finances available to me.
12. Homebase support
When I travel, I ensure that my closest friends and family are always aware of where I am and how to reach me. I give them my travel itinerary and hotel information and exchange texts or calls each day. If I ever go missing, it will be obvious pretty quickly.
Don’t be so serious; just aware
By following these practices when I solo female travel, I’m confident I’m doing all I can to stay safe, and that allows me to have more fun without worrying. The most important thing is
Almost every single travel theft or mishap I’ve heard of happened because the person wasn’t paying attention or was too trusting of strangers in strange places.
I’ve traveled by myself on what amounts to more than 50 trips and I’ve never had an issue – or one that wasn’t quickly fixed by following these practices.
So pay attention, be aware, and have fun.
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
Helen Keller

I’m grateful and fortunate I’ve never had anything happen to me while traveling, and if you follow some of these tips and pay attention to everything around you, you’ll be fortunate too.
What is your best solo female travel tip?
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