

Old burlap bean bags hang on a wall.

Coffee in Hawaii is an Experience Worth Having 

Beyond the beaches, coffee in Hawaii deserves your attention. If you love coffee like I do, there’s something unique and delicious for you in Hawaii. Exploring the coffee culture is just the thing. From the many plantations, custom roasters, and the region’s unique history, coffee in Hawaii is an adventure you’ll savor.   Things to Know About Coffee in Hawaii  I love coffee. Whenever I travel anywhere, I find local roasters and cafes. It’s less common I can get right...

A waterfall and broad view of the colorful red and green layers of Waimea Canyon

Go Beyond the Beach: Explore Hawaii’s Waimea Canyon

They call Waimea Canyon the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. Imagine it with more color and tropical foliage, less crowded, and more wild. This canyon is more than just a deep cut in the earth. It’s a living ecosystem. Native Hawaiian plants cling to the canyon walls, rare birds flit through its cliffs and waterfalls flow from its edges, making it an excellent place for a hike.   What Makes Waimea Canyon So Special  Waimea Canyon stretches over 10 miles...