

Death Valley sunset

How Solo Travel for a Year Transformed My Life

One year of traveling solo has seen me through many states, including Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Louisiana, Georgia and South Carolina, and Mexico. I learned about why we travel, especially about traveling solo. How traveling solo renews your sense of self What I’ve realized about this last year of traveling is that it gives us a new way to see and understand ourselves. Not only are the places new, but we are different in...

Rene at Mount Rainier

Six Months a Nomad in the USA

I’m from the Midwest, or I was until I became a nomad. I’ve been traveling solo, living out of rented places and camping in my van on weekends. They used to say I was crazy; now they say I’m “living the dream.” Neither is wrong, but it took a lifetime to get here. When I was 17, I had a brief fantasy that I would get in my blue 1987 Camaro and head west without stopping until I felt like...

Rene on Yellowstone Safari

10 Yellowstone Animals Spotted on a Safari

If you want to see Yellowstone animals, you should book a safari. That’s my best advice. Seeing animals in Yellowstone National Park either happens by accident or intention or otherwise not at all. Since I didn’t see any by accident, I took matters into my own hands and booked a safari. Most of us assume that you will see animals in Yellowstone, but the truth is the park is big, probably much bigger than you think. Many people stay on...

Yellowstone Hot springs
Jackson Hole