Celebrate Day of the Dead in Puerto Vallarta

November 12, 2021

A young charro boy sits astride a brown horse

Celebrating Day of the Dead in Puerto Vallarta is a festive, weeks-long celebration of life that changed my perspective of death.

In America, we mourn death and curse what it takes from us, but in Mexico, they take a different tack and celebrate the life once lived and practice intentional remembrance. That subtle shift makes a sad occurrence into a happy one, and the same event, an entirely different feeling across borders. Plus, it’s lively and beautiful to see.

I arrived in Puerto Vallarta for the beginning of Dia de los Muertos or as we Americans call it: Day of the Dead. It begins October 30.

Right away, I saw the ofrendas set up around town. The colorful altars were stacked high and filled with marigold flowers, bread and food, candles, and pictures of loved ones gone beyond. There were several elaborate ofrendas in the town square. I looked at the pictures and listened as the families setting them up talked about their loved ones for whom they made the ofrenda.

Fun Fact: An ofrenda is an altar built to honor lost loved ones. They include pictures and items reminiscent of that person.

The talk I heard recalled fun stories about deceased family members and friends. Often in America, when someone dies, many avoid talking about them. But here, they set aside days to talk about and remember them. It was a nice shift.

Dia de Los Muertos

The reason for Day of the Dead is to encourage the souls to visit the living between the Autumnal Equinox and Winter Solstice when the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest. It is during these days, the families communicate with the dead to ensure they’ve crossed over and aren’t lingering in earthbound limbo, to honor their spirit, and to ensure they are happy. If they are happy or angry, the souls can bestow prosperity or misfortune accordingly in the coming year.

I’d thought “day” of the dead was one day, but it’s more than that. Depending on where it is, the festivities could take several days, but they always include the 1st and 2nd of November. In some places, like Puerto Vallarta, the festivities are intermingled with Halloween, so there is an entire week of celebrations.

  • Nov. 1 is Dia de los Angelitos (Day of the little angels). Also known as All Saints Day or “el Dia de los innocentes” “Day of the children).
  • Nov. 2 is Día de los Difuntos (Day of the deceased adults. Also known as All Souls Day or “Día de los Muertos” (Day of the Dead).

In 2008, UNESCO named the festivities as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, important to reinforcing the cultural and social status of the indigenous communities of Mexico. Since then, the festivities have grown around the world.

Visiting Cemeteries

During the festivities, families lay marigold flower petals, candles and other offerings at the cemetery. Many ofrendas are set up on the graves themselves. Often, a trail of marigolds leads back to their homes to guide the souls. At home, families make their loved one’s favorite foods and decorate with papercrafts, sugar skulls and other memorabilia to make a pleasing presentation.

Fun Fact: The marigold – Flor de Muerto (Flower of the dead) is said to have the brightest petals and most pungent scent to attract the dead and guide them.  

Children rock on oversized wooden horses
Photo by Rene Cizio

During this time, the cemeteries are the busiest places in the entire city. I stood outside of one and watched as dozens of families came and went. They carried wreaths, flowers, signs, candles, bread and other items to decorate and clean the graves. In the streets nearby, vendors sold food, drinks, and marigolds and played music. The families gathered in celebration, eating food bought from the carts.

As a taphophile (cemetery lover), it was nice to see so many people in the cemeteries. Often, when I visit, I’m the only person among the graves.

Elements of the Ofrendas

The ofrendas of many families filled the town square in Puerto Vallarta. The scent of marigolds filled the air and the sound of laughter of storytelling was everywhere. Each day family members came and added new items to the ofrendas. By the end, those that looked as if they might be plain were transformed into colorful, lighted altars.

Ofrendas can be found inside and outside of the home in public places, businesses, and cemeteries. Families may have more than one and contribute to many. In Puerto Vallarta, there were many created around the city and hosted by various families. An ofrenda can vary in size and complexity. It depends on how many loved ones it honors and where it is placed. They may be small and private, but some, like those at churches, can be as large as a small room.

Watch Video: https://youtu.be/wi75BurQzO0Photo by Rene Cizio.

Every ofrenda includes the four elements: water, wind, earth and fire. Water is left in a pitcher so the spirits can quench their thirst. Paper banners blow in the breeze and represent the wind. Earth is represented by bread and fire from the candles.

Besides photos and memorabilia and elements, these altars contain the deceased person’s favorite foods. You’ll find pan de Muerto (bread of the dead) and brightly colored sugar skulls and drinks (often alcohol) favored by the departed. I saw pictures, sand mandalas, paper crafts, beadwork, pottery and other Mexican handiwork decorating the ofrendas in the town square.

Skulls or Calaveras

Calaveras, or skulls, are depicted on everything. In Aztec times, the displaying of skulls of the dead, whether prisoners or friends, were put out to ensure the deceased a safe passage into the afterlife. To distinguish the skulls, they were decorated to depict the likeness of the person to whom it belonged. The bright colors made them easier to see by those in the spirit world.

Fun Fact: Sugar skulls are exactly as described, white sugar is shaped into a skull form and decorated with icing. Every child’s fantasy – pure sugar!

dia de los muertos
Calavera.Photo by Rene Cizio.

Colorfully painted skulls can be found on everything. They’re on the art to the displays to the shape of the candy (sugar skulls). Families decorated in colors and designs that represent the life of the departed loved one. They can include foil gems, sequins, glitter, ribbons, candy sprinkles, feathers, beads and other adornments. Often, families use some sort of marigold petal or flower in the design.

Fun Fact: A poetic calavera is also a short, sarcastic, and funny poem about the dead—sort of like an afterlife roast.


There are skulls, and then there are Catrinas. This famous female skeleton wears a big floppy hat with feathers and colorful flowers. Mexica Illustrator Jose Guadalupe Posada (a friend of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera) created it. He made “the elegant skull” to playfully mock wealthy, well-dressed Mexican ladies he felt were too absorbed with European culture.

A Catrina. Watch video: Photo by Rene Cizio.

All over Puerto Vallarta displays of Catrina skeletons stole the show. There were over a dozen oversized paper mache Catrinas on the Malecon and at least one taller than the palm trees. Their brightly colored pink, blue, yellow and red dresses glowed in the sunlight, seemingly lit from within. The flowers on their heads were the size of cantaloupes and their skeletal smiles were as wide as a boat. I’ve heard that in 2022, they plan to make an even bigger Catrina on the Malecon.

Probably much to Posada’s chagrin, his image of the female skeleton with a long dress and fancy hat is now a staple of Dia de Los Muertos. Women and girls across the city dressed as Catrinas. They walk about in their skull makeup with flouncing hats, veils, and heads full of flowers.

Charro parade

The traditions and activities that celebrate the Day of the Dead are not universal, often varying from town to town. In Puerto Vallarta, an essential part of their celebrations includes the charro.

Watch a video I made about Day of the Dead.

A young charro boy sits astride a brown horse
Charro boy. Photos by Rene Cizio

A charro is a traditional horseman from the central Mexico regions, like Jalisco, where Puerto Vallarta is located. La Charrería is the ancient Mexican art of horse handling. During one parade, the charro rode through the town and demonstrated their lasso skills and horse dancing.  

Day of the Dead Parade. Photo by Rene Cizio.

They painted their horses and faces to look like skeletons, and the women and girls riding them wore long, flowing, colorful dresses. The men dressed in a mariachi style of long pants and jackets with embroidery down the legs and front of the shirts. Their horses showed off too. Trotting in high-stepping dance sequences, their faces hidden under masks, their hair twisted with flowers.

Day of the Dead

Throughout the festivities, there were fireworks and light shows, live music along the Malecon and pop-up stages around town. It was common to see women with marigolds, children with their faces painted like skulls, and depictions of the skeletons across public displays everywhere. Everyone, locals and visitors alike, took part in the festivities. For a few days, life stopped, and everyone remembered the dead as if they’d never left.

Caterina figure on beach
Photos by Rene Cizio

I learned about and honored people I’d never met before. As I thought of my own family, I envied this beautiful tradition. How wonderful to gather with family and friends and those we’ve lost along the way. We could make stuffed cabbage for ma, or tell jokes about my brother David’s front tooth, and light candles for my niece Amanda who loved them so much. It would be wonderful. As wonderful as Dia de los Muertos.

Read more stories about Puerto Vallarta here.

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More about Rene Cizio

Rene Cizio is a solo female traveler, writer, author and photographer. Find her on Instagram @renecizio

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